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Safari on Foot

Royal Malewane

Walking on the wild side with our expert Guides is an optional activity that comes highly recommended for adventurers who would like to explore the details, discover the wonders of nature, and investigate the telltale tracks left behind by animals in the wild.


Experience the wonders of Africa’s elusive wildlife up-close

Royal Malewane’s walking trails meander through the bush and follow in the footsteps of our most revered wildlife species. They explore different loops through our habitat, and all offer the possibility to encounter animals up close and on foot.

Tap into the deep-rooted passion and learned knowledge of our Guides, who have carefully designed trails that cater to every level of fitness and suit different interests. Every Guide has spent years refining the bush walk experience, and can offer a renewed perspective and share insights into our impact on the environment.

You’re in safe hands

Being on foot in the African bush is exhilarating, and knowing you are sharing your space with some of the world’s most revered large animals can be somewhat daunting. All bush walks are led by our highly qualified Guides who have undergone the intense and demanding training to become certified Trails Guides, and the safety of our guests and our wildlife is of utmost importance.

Royal Malewane’s guiding team has earned the right to be called the best qualified guiding team in Africa thanks to their impressive collection of high-level FGASA qualifications. Together, our guiding team has over 350 years of experience in the bush.

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